-Profesjonell sanger-stemme-og musikalartist-
"Åh, herregud.
Jeg ELSKER deg!
Tina Turner er stolt lissom!
-Lotus (All Together Now 2019)
"Hun har en stemmekontroll som slår deg rett i bakken. Showdronning!"
-Atle Pettersen (Beat For Beat 2019)
"Norges svar på Tina Turner"
-Gideon Andersson!
"Herlig sangstemme
Kumoji er en ekte gledesspreder, raus og varm, med et smil som favner alt og alle, kulelagre i hoftene og en velsignelse av en sangstemme."
-Mona Levin (Aftenposten 2022)
"There are few things more "heavenly" than Anna-Lisa Kumoji in full flow, and that magnificent voice is put to great use as gangster's girlfriend and lounge singer Deloris Van Cartier. Stepping into Whoopi Goldberg's big screen signature role, it's a lot harder to buy the fact that she is a "failed wannabee", as she repeatedly belts the roof off the Chateau Neuf auditorium."
-Christian Ranke (Broadway World 2022)
"For en fest av et menneske og artist du er!"
-Dorina Marie Eldøy-Iversen (Fon-Teltet 2019)
"Hun er som det står på plakaten;
Et stjerneskudd! Hun sprer glede og har en musikalitet uten like"
-Hanne Krogh
"Jeg har jobbet med så mange talentprogrammer og med casting. Makan til talent som har gått under radaren har jeg ikke sett før. Enestående, HELT UNIK og vi træng dæ!
Anna-Lisa bør gis på Blå Resept til hele Norge"
-Per Sundnes (All Together Now 2019)
Come see me LIVE!

Nov 21, 2019
"Hanne &Tre Tenorer....Og Et Stjerneskudd"
Juleturné med Hanne Krogh
Anna-Lisa Kumoji drar på Norges turné med Hanne Krogh og hennes faste tenorer mellom 22.november og 22.desember 2019.
Buy your tickets here;
Nov 01, 2019
The Show Must Go On i Oslo Spektrum lørdag 2. november 2019.
I et fyrverkeri av lys, pyro og showmanship og med over 30 av pop/rock-historiens største hits har Åge Sten Nilsen og hans ensemble gitt nærmere 500.000 publikummere Queen-feber siden 2007. Publikum får servert klassikere som We Will Rock You, Bohemian Rhapsody, Radio Ga Ga, We Are The Champions, The Show Must Go On, Another One Bites The Dust, I Want To Break Free og Don’t Stop Me Now.
Gjesteartister er Eir Indrehaug, Anna-Lisa Kumoji og Sølvguttene i tillegg til fantastiske dansere og akrobater fra Show de Vida!
Gled deg til en befriende kveld med Queens største hits i Oslo Spektrum lørdag 2. november 2019! Velkommen!
Dørene åpnes kl. 18:30 • Hovedartist kl. 19.30
Alle tidene er ca-tider og endringer kan forekomme. Vær ute i god tid.
Ingen aldersgrense. Barn under 13 år kun i følge med voksen.

Aug 29, 2019

Mar 01, 2019
Melodi Grand Prix Finale
Oslo Spektrum
Comfort Hotel-Union Brygge- Drammen

Anna-Lisa Kumoji Goes Solo-Live Tour!
During the pandemic Anna-Lisa Kumoji has written a lot of new music and is she is now eager to share it with you guys!
Together with her band she will be holding a series of concerts in Oslo And Viken during june 2021.
- 11.june- Lancelot Jazz Café -Asker
- 12. June-Greåker
- 13th And 20th Cin Cin Café- Oslo,
- 17th and 24th june Fellini Sandvika
- 18th June Comfort Hotel-Union Brygge, Drammen
- 27th June Elvekaféen, Drammen

Anna-Lisa invites to intimate concert in Drammen!
The 18th of june, Anna-Lisa will hold her very first intimate concert in Drammen!
The location in small and cosy, the vibe soulful and chilled, so be quick to book your tickets by pressing the "See More" botton below.
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/Y0oCAubY

"Hvem Skulle Tro" was added to Spotify´s editorial playlist!
-Rubato reached out for an intervju!
Anna-Lisa's last single release; "Hvem Skulle Tro" was added to Spotify's editorial playlist: "New Music Friday Norway"!
In an interview with Rubato.no, Anna-Lisa talks about her hit, her current project and further plans for 2021!
Real full intervju via link below.

The ticket sale for "Absolutt Hits 2021" are now open!
Lockdown NOW, but soon we are in the process of a slow reopening😃
Do you see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, for a summer where we can gather again? Laugh, enjoy ourselves, sing and enjoy each others company at a distance in an environment that is safe in terms of infection control?
Then I hope you secure one of the few tickets we have for sale in the Fon tent this summer.
At @tongaproductions you can make safe purchases. They have a refund guarantee!
Get your tickets at www.Hjertnes.no

Anna-Lisa has promised to release a series of Norwegian singles in the style of Norwegian soul, pop and afrobeat during 2020 and 2021.
This year's 2nd single is the sequel to "Hakke Lyst" and is produced in collaboration with Ghana-based "Agyingo Studios ”.
"Hvem Skulle Tro" offers warm feelings, summer vibes and romance.
The sun is shining, the snow is melting and we put the winter drama behind us.
With Norwegian lyrics, typical R&B harmonizations and a soulful lead wrapped in West African Afropop, Anna-Lisa presents Norwegian music in an international format.
Pre-save the song now and be the first one to hear it when it´s out!
Link: https://orcd.co/annalisakumoji-hvemskulletro-presave
Melody and lyrics by: Anna-Lisa Kumoji
Produced by: Agyingo Studioz
Photoes by: Arnfinn Herlufsen

Akuvi & Anna-Lisa with GIRLPOWER PERFORMANCE at Senkveld!
Friday 12th of march 2021 Akuvi and Anna-Lisa Kumoji aka #TheKumojisisters appeared the tv-show "SenKveld-med Hele og Stian" at tv2 and tv2Sumo.
In honor of women all over the world and the #womensday2021 @heleneolafsen and @senkveldtv2 has arranged a special treat for their show this upcoming Friday🤩🔥
Choreographed by @vildekristin, Akuvi and I, aka #thekumojis, along side the boss ladies;
@vildekristin @kamisaaurora @heleneolafsen @christianebergersen @india_dance07 @wilmazagui are exited to spread love, confidence and real girl power🔥
Use the link below to see the whole performace👇🏼

In a brand new co-operation with Flordia based music producer "Layird Music" Anna-Lisa is releasing her first single of the year the 26th of february.
"VERDT DET" is going to be part of her upcoming EP; Bare Sånn Det Er" and this time the topic is lost friendship and relationships.
With norwegian lyrics wrapped up in an international hip hop and pop production Anna-Lisa his hereby presenting a modern twist to her soulful sound.
Be the first one to get notified when the song gets out by pre-saving the song to you spotify library right now!
Use the "SEE MORE"-Link.👇🏼

Anna-Lisa sings her very own version of "Holy Night" at NRK!
This year 2020! Anna-Lisa sang her very own version of «Holy Night» in Norwegian on Norways most seen tv-program «Kvelden Før Kvelden» at NRK1.
#kveldenførkvelden #nrk #annalisagoessolo
See the whole show here;
Or her performance by clickin on to the "See More"-botton.

Anna-Lisa Sings The Christmas spirit in together with SANDEFJORD STORBAND!
This year, the success of "Hanne Krogh, The Three Tenors and A Shooting Star" in 2019 was planned to be repeated. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions surrounding it, the tour has been cancelled.
But do not despair!
The Christmas magic is still conveyed through another show with Hanne Krogh and Thomas Ruud and Anna-Lisa presents "Swinging Christmas" together with Sandefjord Storband.
"This year I have the pleasure of singing the joy of Christmas with the Sandefjord Big Band itself !! 😍🎙✨🎷🎺🎻🎹🥁
The concert we are held in "Hjertnes Kulturhus" where there is LOTS of space and good routines for infection control. Take the trip and experience this year's "Swinging Christmas"

Anna-Lisa sings for the Salvation Army´s yearly christmas concert; Håp I En Gryte!
The 16th and 17th of Desember, Anna-Lisa Kumoji is to be seen at tv2 and tv2 Sumo at 20.00.
The Salvation Army has a yearly tradition of inviting known artists to their tv-podcasted Christmas concert by title; Håp I En Gryte.
This year Anna-Lisa is amongst the invited artists and she will serve you with some powerful christmas carols.
Tune in via direct TV or stream it later at tv2 Sumo.

NEW SINGLE RELEASE OUT 20th of October 2020!
In cooperation with the production company Gnumusic in København Anna-Lisa is releasing her third single of the year; “HAKKE LYST”.
It is going to be part of her norwgian EP;“Bare Sånn Det Er”.
“You know that feeling when you´re trying to move on from someone, but you just cant? When your soo done, but actually that person is the only thing you can think about? That feeling and that part of the breakup/heartbreak process is what this song is about."
In an honest and unpolished way Anna-Lisa expresses her feelings, thoughts, questions and reflections about being dumped.
The attitude from “Holla” is back, but this time in an more vulnerable way.
"Hakke Lyst" will be available on all digital platforms from the 2.oktober.2020!

-It is with great sadness that we must announce that this year's great Christmas tour with Hanne & Tre Tenorer and Anna Lisa Kumoji must unfortunately be canceled, says tour manager Trygve Sundbø to the website.
He adds that with the recent spread of covid-19 infection in Norway - which in turn has led to the 1-meter limit persisting throughout the year - the basis for such a large production has unfortunately disappeared.
The Christmas tour with Hanne Krogh and three of Norway's leading tenors was a huge success since they started in 2009. Last year they came together again and celebrated the 10th anniversary across the country, then together with the new shooting star Anna Lisa Kumoji. This year, they were all to gather for the last time with highlights from last year's concert in addition to a lot of new material. But that is not how it should go. The corona epidemic put an end to this as well.
-It hurts to see almost a year of work evaporate, but times are weird and we can only hope life normalizes in the foreseeable future, Trygve Sundbø concludes.

“TIL VI SES IGJEN../Until We Meet Again” is Anna-Lisa Kumojis´ third norwegian song and her second release of the year.It is going to be part of her Summer EP "Bare Sånn Det Er” which is being released in July 2020!
“Til Vi Ses igjen” is probably the most sugar sweet, R&B/Neo-soul song that I have ever written.
It is Inspired by american west coast R&B and by the Norwegian Pop/rock band “Postgirobygget´s summer songs such as “Idyll” and “Sommerflørt”. In it I am describing sunny days in Scandinavian surroundings, the feeling of being in love and nostalgia.
Like my other Norwegian summer songs, this song is written with a playful atmosphere overall, but it also has a hint of melancholy as I long for the summer romance via the memories.
In collaboration with Eksentrisk Film,
Anna-Lisa has made a music video for
“Ta En Dans På Gulvet”
This song was written spontaneously as the Corona pandemic forced a hole world into tacking drastic actions in forms of sosial distancing, quarantines and more. Anna-Lisa wanted to create a positive vibe with hope and happiness in focus in these hard times and now the associated video is ready!
Consisting of submissions from people dancing around their homes / schools / workplaces, illustrations of the society as it has been during these tough corona times as well as clips from Anna-Lisa's home studio, this has become a contemporary music video with a joyful twist.
It is with great humbleness and gratitude that Anna-Lisa and her team can now proudly presents the official music video for "Ta En Dans På Gulvet"

NEW SINGLE RELEASE 17.april.2020!
TA En Dans På Gulvet- Norways first Corona-song with HOPE and ENJOYMENT in focus!
As the covid-19 virus turned out to become a pandemic and most people in Norway has been recommended to at stay home from work and school, Anna-Lisa has written a uplifting song with the intention of giving people hope and a break from the worry and the concerns a lot of people are facing these days.
The song is made in co-operation with Gnuvision in Denmark and it is titled with "TA EN DANS PÅ GULVET" . It is going to be part of her norwegian EP "Bare Sånn Det Er" wich is being released this summer!
From Friday 17th of april 2020 the song will be available on all digital plattforms!

The Kumoji's will perform live and online with their unplugged concept tomorrow,12.APRIL, at 7 pm via www.KulturbankenLive.no!
The Kumojis consist of the sisters Akuvi and Anna-Lisa Kumoji who started the concept The Kumojis.
They are known from beat for beat at NRK and as individual finalists in the Melodi Grand Prix (2019 and 2020).
With Akuvis´ background from neo-soul and afrobeat and Anna-Lisa's from soul / rock and pop, they form an innovative and exciting duo.
Vocals: Anna-Lisa Kumoj & Akuvi Music
Guitar: Dag Henning Kalvøy
Bass: Tiago Mendes
Percussion: Lius Baroch
Producers: Kulturbankenlive
Concertlink here: http://kulturbankenlive.no/thekumojis.html

Fredag 27.03.2020 THE MUSIC VIDEO FOR"Stop Dig Selv" will be released!
Due to the norwegian authority's advice and precautions regarding the Covid-19 virus, Anna-Lisa and her team have had to cancel the plans they had to arrange a release party for the music video for "Stop Dig Yourself" at Skjenken Bar and Bakgård in Oslo, 2 .april.2020
The film is made in collaboration with @Ecentrisk Film and Anna-Lisa has been looking forward to sharing this summery, feelgood video with the rest of the people throughout the winter!
- Like the song, the film is characterized by Norwegian / Scandinavian summer and is inspired by the urban atmosphere in Copenhagen.
Anna-Lisa and her team hope this music video can help create some joy for all of you who are currently at home in quarantine!

Akuvi and Anna-Lisa Kumoji, TheKumojis, performed for their neighborhood; Borgen in Asker 17.03.2020!
- The sun was shining and happiness and solidarity was the main focus. Today, we are in a very unfamiliar situation and many people are worried. Yesterday our goal was to give everyone in our neighborhood a little break from what is otherwise happening around us in these times.
People stay home to reduce the spread of the virus and too help protect those that Covid-19 will hit the most.
Akuvi and I have relatives who are at risk and therefore the solidarity we see in our society is something we really appreciate. THANKS!
Inspired by the Italians, Akuvi and I wanted to contribute a little mini concert and some entertainment to all those who are now sitting at home.
Thanks to all our great neighbors in Huldreveien , passers-by and other spectators who were a fabulous audience from their balconies and on the ground (relatively 1 meter distance throughout the concert). It was pure joy to be able to do something nice for you all! ❤
READ the article from Budstikka HERE; https://www.budstikka.no/musikk/mgp-stjerner-ga-konsert-for-korona-faste-beboere/573911!/?fbclid=IwAR1ZS2Xh15Oyq08xPdyD8kpZs6qHzwTC1og0KGtFzOh5sAybYECZuwhLEzA
Watch the video clip by pressing the "SEE MORE" button.

Anna-Lisa and Akuvi Kumoji have developed a new concept where the sisters are merging together as THE KUMOJIS!
With Akuvi's background from neo-soul / afrobeat and Anna-Lisa from soul / rock and pop, they form an innovative and exciting duo.
Thursday 20th of February.2020 they will hold their first public concert at Skjenken bar in Oslo and they open this season of THE KUMOJIS with their stripped down concept; The Kumojis- unplugged.
Welcome to a laid-back atmosphere with cocktails and cozy focus!
Pløens gate 4
Oslo, Norway
Bakgårdsdøra åpnes 20.00
cc: Gratis Inngang
20 år

An entire nation experiences pride and joy as our best performers show the world what they can do.
The sports gala is the festive night of sports and the Norwegian people's opportunity to pay tribute to the heroes who sacrifice everything to give us unforgettable moments.
Each year, Sports Norway starts with the Sports Gala to recognize athletes, teams, coaches and one fiery soul who made an extraordinary effort the year before.
Right from the start in 2002, the Sports Gala with its amazing cultural show and its awards has been sent directly in the best broadcast time at NRK and this year ANNA-LISA KUMOJI and Eirik Søfteland will open the entire show with the song "Raw" written by Hans Einar Appeland, Ramm and Vik!
WATCH the whole show here ; https://tv.nrk.no/serie/idrettsgalla/2020/MUHU22000020/avspiller
SEE the opening act by pressing the "SEE MORE-BUTTON".

Søstrene Kumoji deltar på Beat For Beat!
Anna-Lisa debuted at Nrk's well-known music show; Beat For Beat in 2018. At that time she was teamed up with Fredrik Vahlgren and competed against the team Carina Dahl and "Plumbo" vocalist; Lars Erik Blokkhus.
This year she will, once again, attend Beat For Beat and this time with her own sister @Akuvi. Together they take the stage as #TheKumojis aka #TheKumojisisters

ANNA-LISA medvirker i NRK sin nye humor serie"Hellums Kro"!
With Bjarte Tjøstheim - former winner of the Komi Award and best known from the radio program The Radio Reception, the TV series The Priest and the humor program The entertainment department in the lead role, this autumn the new humor series "Hellums Kro" will be launched at NRK.
Anna-Lisa is reunites with her colleague from the Norwegian theater; Kristoffer Olsen and this time as the hairdresser "Jamila".

Kongelig besøk i Oslo Konserthus!
On Sunday, December 1st, Hanne, Tre Tenors and A Shooting Star broke the success of a Christmas concert in the Oslo Concert Hall which ended with a standing trampling for ten minutes!
The Crown Prince couple were among the audience in the hall and greeted the ensemble after the concert. Also popular podcastmakers Jan Thomas and Einar Tørnquist were present as Jan Thomas challenged Tørnquist to sing a Christmas song during the concert - which he did too!

The Christmas concerts with “Hanne Krogh & Tre Tenors with Anna Lisa Kumoji” received a brilliant reception in northern Norway this past week, on Thursday they played for a packed cultural center in Bodø. in both Nøtterøy and Asker are now putting on extra performances on December 18 and 20! (Photo Ellinor Sandvik)

Anna-Lisa opptrer på God Morgen NORGE!
Fredag 22.desember inntar Hanne Krogh, Thomas Ruud, Marius Roth Christensen, Nils Harald Sødal og Anna-Lisa Kumoji sofaen i tv 2 sine lokaler på Aker Brygge!
Temaet er juleturné, 10 års jubileum med de tre tenorene og årets stjerneskudd.
En nydelig versjon av "Silent Night" blir det også!

Anna-Lisa Kumoji Joins Hanne Korghs´Christmas Tour as the firework of the year!
This year, 2019, the popular Christmas tour of Hanne Krogh and The Three Tenors - Thomas Ruud, Nils Harald Sødal and Jan Erik Fillan celebrates its 10th anniversary and Anna-Lisa joins the lineup with some of the country's most high profile musicians and solo artists as the Firework of the Year!
Hanne & Tre Tenors has developed into one of the greatest successes in Norwegian cultural life. The top reviews of the show has fallen close as snow crystals over this ensemble, and both the audience and the press have uttered great statements such as: "The perfect Christmas concert", "The best Christmas concert of all times" " Hanne Krogh gave us a Christmas concert that all other Christmas concerts will be measured by.
This year the audience will experience a new show including world-class singer performances ,humor and fun.
"Anna-Lisa Komuji shocked a whole music industry when she sang in the TV show" All Toghether Now "with a move that would make even Tina Turner envious. Anna-Lisa is an international musical singer and will be traveling on our Christmas tours directly from a role in the musical" The Book of Mormon »- From Hanne Krogh's website.

"STOP DIG SELV(BARE SÅNN DET ER) is Anna-Lisa's first Norwegian song and is based on her time in Copenhagen. It is part of her upcoming EP which will be released during spring / summer 2020.
- I have written songs and composed music all of my life, but It took me 29 years before I dared to launch something of my own!
Im finally doing it now and Im doing it with my own record label and as my own manager.
I think it is the northern spirit in me..my roots from the north of Norway that makes me wanna do it all myself..!
Inspired by Marcel Gbekle's Danish song "Nørrebro", the urban atmosphere in Copenhagen and the Danish language, Anna-Lisa wrote "Stop Dig Selv( Bare Sånn Det Er) with a playful and soulful vibe.
In this song, Anna-Lisa is fascinated by the danish expression "Stop Dig Selv" and she wonders about love and everything about it. She comes to terms with not being able to understand it all. Love and attraction is what it is sometimes.
The brass section is in place and Anna-Lisa is ready to share her first song!

Sandefjord Blad gir "The Best Of Motown Show" 5´er!
I sommer er Anna-Lisa medvirkende i sommershowet "THE BEST OF MOTOWN SOUL-en musikalsk fest i Fon-teltet!"
Billetter finner du på www.fonteltet.no
Forestillingn fikk fantastisk omtale blandt annet i Sandefjord Blad (Se link ved å trykke på "Se Mer-knappen" og landet på en 5-er i terningkast.

Anna-Lisa opptrer på NRK-programmet "Sommeråpent"
3.august sendes NRKs Sommeråpent fra Kabelvåg Feriehus & Camping. Det blir sommerprat, musikk, moro og konkurranser i kjent Sommeråpent-stil. I tillegg skal to lag konkurrere mot hverandre gjennom uka i Sommeråpent sine splitter nye campingleker. Programledere er Linn Skåber og Atle Bjurstrøm.
Anna-Lisa tar med seg to av danserne fra gullfinalen i årets melodi Grand Prix og lover topp stemning i nord!
Se hele episoden her;
Eller film fra turen hennes med opptredenen ved å trykke på "SE MER" knappen.

Fra "The Book Of Mormon" -Det Ny Teater i København til "The Book Of Mormon" på Det Norske Teatret!
I 2017 inntok Anna-Lisa den danske teater scenen som musikal skuespiller i den prisberømte humor musikalen; The Book Of Mormon, skrevet og komponert av Av Trey Parker, Robert Lopez og Matt Stone
Den ble, som i resten av verden, en braksuksess med kun 5´ere og 6´ere i terningkast (https://www.detnyteater.dk/tidligere-forestillinger/the-book-of-mormon/) og solgte for fulle hus hver kveld.
Nå er Anna-Lisa tilbake på hjemmebane og hopper inn i den norske versjonen av stykket som karakteren Mrs. Brown.
"Mrs. Brown ble en drømmerolle for meg da jeg så stykket i London en gang i 2016. Tenk at jeg nå skal få spille den! Og det på DET NORSKE TEATRET!" -Anna-Lisa Kumoji.
Med over 210.000 publikummere som har latt seg frelse av satiremusikalen ved Det Norske Teatret siden september 2017 har den vist seg å bli tidenes største suksess for Det Norske Teatret og Anna-Lisa er klar for å omstille seg fra dansk til nynorsk!

Anna-Lisa kom til gullfinalen i Melodi Grand Prix 2019!
"Jeg har ikke ord for hvor takknemlig, stolt og ydmyk jeg føler meg😭💕🙏🏼
Dere heiet på meg; Den minst kjente artisten i gjengen. Hun «nye» fra teaterscenen. JEG kom til Gullfinalen sammen med @dsoundofficial @adrianjørgensen og @keiinomusic 😮 DELT 3.PLASS!!
Med Holla som ikke engang er typisk #MGP!😃 Fyy søren som jeg ikke har ord nok for hvor mye det betyr for meg! Deres stemmer i går har gitt meg en varme langt inn i hjertet som jeg tar med meg videre💕
NRK! Stig KarlsenMattias CarlssonHans Einar ApellandNina Eliassen BrymCecilie Karlberg TornøeKirsti LillehagenCamilla SandAndreas Blaauw-HvalKnut-Øyvind HagenVidar Josdal
@anjadanielsen Trond Olav Erga @simon på grafikk!
-My one and only designer&stylist @Kristine rødland Barlow og hennes crew🙌🏼
-My nr.1 hairdresser Benedicta Obasogie
-Metteagenturer for accessories.
-@beautybywh for nails
Og sist, men ikke minst mine fantastiske dansere; Daniel SarrJens Jeffry TrinidadKaya BirdSigyn Åsa SæterengIda Louise Sundby og Sandra Gerecke som leverte så inn i granskauen bra! Fyy faen som jeg elsker dere!
Takk skal dere alle sammen ha for deres tillit til meg, deres støtte og fantastisk samarbeid. Takk for at dere hjalp meg å få barndomsdrømmen min oppfylt🙏🏼"
Anna-Lisa Kumoji
SE OPPTREDEN HER: https://youtu.be/oHaTPYfIO_c

Anna-Lisas på NRK SUPERNYTT!
Already as a student at Hagaløkka elementary school, Anna-Lisa was active with both singing and dancing.
Today, 1.mars.2019, she returned to the school she attended herself as one of the finalists of Melodi Grand Prix to inspire today's children to dare to follow their dreams.
See excerpts from the report here; https://youtu.be/OHDtB0PqV2Q
Or see
full broadcast by pressing the "See More" button.

Anna-Lisa Kumoji entered the finals of "All Together Now" with fever, throat inflammation and reduced vocal range!
Anna-Lisa Kumoji got 95 percent of the judges to rise on her performance of River Deep, Mountain High this spring and was sent directly to the finals of All Together Now-Norway 2019.
Meanwhile she got sick with fever and serious throat infection that was caused by streptococci few days before the final.
On the day of the finals she lost her voice totally and was ordered to take cortisone by the production to get through the show. She made it and got away with a good score!

Anna-Lisa deltar på "All Together Now" og går rett til finalen!
29.januar.2019 ble 4.episode av TV NORGE sin nye storsatsing "All Together Now" sendt og Anna-Lisa inntok scenen med storm.
Med sin fremføring av "River Deep, Mountain High" av Tina Turner tok hun over 1.plassen og sikret seg direkte pass til finalen!

Anna-Lisa Kumoji performs at the Norwegian Film Awards!
Anna-Lisa is part of the original cast in the musical "Flashdance" where she is casted for the role "KIKI".
The story is also told through the cinema version of "Flashdance" and as Chateu Neuf is the first theatre to bring "Flashdance" to norway the original cast was invited to perform at the Norwegian Film Awards; Amanda Filmprisen.

Folkemødet er danmarks største politiske festival og hvert år samle flere end 100.000 mennesker i alle aldre, fordelt over de fire dage. På Folkemødet hylder vi det danske demokrati og fællesskab. I 2018 deltog 1.136 foreninger, virksomheder, interesseorganisationer og politiske partier. 648 presseakkrediterede journalister var til stede under de fire debatdage. 76% af Folkemødets arrangører oplever, at de får udbygget deres samarbejdsrelationer, og næsten halvdelen får indflydelse på lovgivning/regulering af deres fagområde. 82% af de personer, der deltager i privat regi, oplever, at de får ny og brugbar viden om politiske spørgsmål, og mere end halvdelen vender hjem med lyst til at blive mere politisk aktiv.